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Last Friday, February 7th, was a very special day at Eastern Christian Elementary School! Many students were anticipating this day since the first day of school back in August, and it finally arrived – the 100th day of school! Kindergarten-3rd grade students celebrated the 100th day of school in a variety of different ways. Check out this list of 100 things that students and/or teachers at ECES did on the 100th day of school! (See if you can guess which ones are things we do every day!)

  1. Dressed up as “100-year-olds”
  2. Laughed at teachers dressed up as “100-year-olds”
  3. Greeted friends and teachers
  4. Walked through decorated doorways
  5. Stepped through a giant cardboard cut out of the number 100
  6. Had classroom devotions
  7. Danced to oldies music
  8. Balanced on one foot for 100 seconds
  9. Whispered the alphabet repeatedly for 100 seconds
  10. Wrote the alphabet repeatedly for 100 seconds
  11. Counted to 10 repeatedly for 100 seconds
  12. Clapped hands for 100 seconds
  13. Recited pledges to the USA flag and Christian flag
  14. Counted by 1’s to 100
  15. Counted by 2’s to 100
  16. Counted by 5’s to 100
  17. Counted by 10’s to 100
  18. Made a list of 100 words
  19. Made 10 groups of 10
  20. Put 100 Fruit Loops on yarn necklaces
  21. Read “The Night Before the 100th Day of School”
  22. Created designs with 100 pattern blocks
  23. Wrote 100 tally marks
  24. Completed 100 chart puzzles
  25. 100 jumping jacks
  26. 100 squats
  27. 100 high knees
  28. Read God’s Word
  29. Put our names on our papers
  30. Wrote about what life will be like when we are 100
  31. Listened to classical music
  32. Played “POP” (a counting game)
  33. Made pizza pan sized chocolate chip cookies with 100 chocolate chips
  34. Cut, shared, and ate giant chocolate chip cookies
  35. Recited our weekly Bible verse
  36. Made rainbow colored 100th day headbands
  37. Read “The 100th Day of School”
  38. Worshipped God by singing praises
  39. Enjoyed indoor recess games
  40. Played with friends
  41. Completed Mrs. Veenstra’s “jungle” obstacle course in the gym
  42. Swung on the rope
  43. Balanced on the balance beam
  44. Ran through the “waterfall”
  45. Hopped through hula hoops
  46. Jumped over jump ropes
  47. Imagined what we will look like when we are 100
  48. Wrote and illustrated a class book: “Things We’ve Been Told 100 Times”
  49. Completed the sentence “I would want 100 _____, but not 100 _______!”
  50. Flipped over a deck of cards and added the numbers until we reached 100
  51. Solved a division puzzle that looked like the number 100 as a finished product
  52. Used 100 connecting cubes to create something
  53. Rolled the dice and added numbers until we reached 100
  54. Raised our hands to ask questions
  55. Colored a crown that said, “I’m 100 days smarter!”
  56. Wrote on post it notes to complete this sentence: “On the first day of school I couldn’t ____________, but on the 100th day I now can!”
  57. Washed our hands for 100 seconds
  58. Ate snacks 100 minutes into the school day
  59. Wore glasses
  60. Wore buns in our hair
  61. Wore suspenders
  62. Wore pearls
  63. Wore our parents’ (or grandparents’) clothes
  64. Put baby powder in our hair
  65. Walked with canes
  66. Walked with umbrellas
  67. Wore shawls
  68. Wore caps
  69. Wore bow ties
  70. Wore wigs
  71. Wore fake mustaches and beards
  72. Wore curlers in our hair
  73. Endured headaches from wearing buns, wigs, and curlers in our hair
  74. Colored and assembled 100th day glasses
  75. Read “Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of Kindergarten”
  76. Prayed to God
  77. Ate lunch 100 minutes after snack time
  78. Counted 100 pennies
  79. Counted 20 nickels
  80. Counted 10 dimes
  81. Counted 4 quarters
  82. Looked for patterns on a hundred chart
  83. Wrote in missing numbers on a hundred chart
  84. Made 100th day hats
  85. Attended “specials” classes (Computers, Music, PE)
  86. Practiced writing and identifying numerals
  87. Counted 100 popsicle sticks
  88. Wrote what we would do with $100
  89. Took 100 steps in the hallway
  90. Wrote about what we want to be remembered for when we are 100
  91. Sang about the 100th day of school
  92. Gave thanks for 100 blessings in our lives (and could have continued!)
  93. Stayed quiet for 100 seconds
  94. Took class pictures
  95. Colored pictures of what we would look like as “100 year olds”
  96. Glued cotton balls on our “100 year old” projects
  97. Cut construction paper, doilies, and lace for our “100 year old” projects
  98. Completed STEAM challenges with 100 Legos
  99. Shared our favorite school memory in the last 100 days

And finally #100: Reflected on all that we’ve learned in the last 100 days!


Jenna Beverly

By: Jenna Beverly

Jenna is a preschool teacher at Eastern Christian School.

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