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The Sixth Graders presented their Thanksgiving chapel last Tuesday with the reminder that giving thanks needs to be a part of our daily living rather than just a quick word of thanks around the family dinner table. Chapel concluded with reflection time and writing down of something we wanted to thank God for. Below is a sampling of what our Wyckoff Campus students and faculty want to praise God for.
People who care for me
Jesus, my family, and all that I have and don’t have. He is enough!
I am thankful for life.
I am thankful for my mom because she is always there for me.
Freedom to Believe
I am thankful for my church and the relationships that has brought.
I am thankful for ECMS
My mom and dad
For transportation to school
Faithful, patient, loving family
For fishing
For Mr. Lazor, Mrs. Faber, and my teachers
The athletic abilities that God gave me
Host family
I am thankful for a mind that asks questions and loves truth.
For the path and direction God has for my life
I am thankful for the opportunity to spread Christ’s love to my students.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Gymnastics and music lessons
Being able to read my Bible and pray.
I am thankful my mom didn’t have breast cancer!
For friends who cheer me up!
Clean water to drink easily
May this holiday season be the BEGINNING of your ThanksLiving every single day rather than just one day out of the year. As we jump full speed ahead into the busyness of this time, make it a priority to remember the many gifts God so freely gives to each of us.