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Posts from November 2017

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Student/Teacher Ratio: Who’s on the right side of the slash?

  Much is made in education about student/teacher ratio. And rightly so! Parents want to know how many students will be competing for the attention of their child's teacher. It stands to reason that, the more attention students get and the more of a relationship that they build with their teacher, the better their school…

Congratulations, Cast, Orchestra & Crews!

Congratulations to the cast and crew of Eastern Christian High School's presentation of The Sound of Music! It was an exceptional show and the hard work invested into learning lines, choreography, music, tech, and building the set really showed! Well done to everyone involved! 

ECHS to Perform at Carnegie Hall

This Christmas, the Honors Choir will be performing as part of a mass choir at Carnegie Hall with Keith and Kirsten Getty. SING! – An Irish Christmas will take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday, December 20, 2017.  Tickets can be purchased from any Honors Choir student or by completing and returning the Ticket Order Form.  Come celebrate the birth of Christ…

From Higher Ed to High School: Industry Professionals at Eastern Christian High School

Dr Todd Elder,  Honors Chemistry and STEAM What is your schooling/experience? Where did you get your degree(s) from, etc.? BS, CHemistry, Wheaton College MS, Organic Chemistry, Univ. Kentucky PhD, Medicinal Chemistry, Univ. Kentucky Post Doc, Dept Neurology, Univ. Pennsylvania What college(s)/university did you teach at before coming to Eastern Christian High School? Prior to coming…

Welcome, Mrs. Culp!

Kate Culp, Humanities & CTE Teacher Tell us about yourself. Hi, I am Kate. In quick summary I am a Light + light lover, story seeker, word collector, truth chaser, little man mama, home maker, laughter lingerer, life liver, wonder-filled wife (all with fiber and froth in my fingers, preferably). As a English teacher and…

Welcome, Mr. Culp!

Adam Culp, Bible Teacher Tell us about yourself. At the age of 12, my family moved from Pennsylvania to northern New Jersey where, to our surprise, we would spend the next couple of decades. My parents found Eastern Christian which became a wonderfully formative community for the whole Culp family. I graduated 6 years later with diverse…

EC Recognized as Top New Jersey Work Place announced Eastern Christian School as a Top Place to Work in New Jersey. EC is the only school in the state to receive this distinction and one of only two non-profits. Head of School Tom Dykhouse said, “We are proud to have received this recognition. We have worked hard at making Eastern Christian School…

Welcome, Mr. Stadtlander!

Seth Stadtlander, Assistant Athletic Director, Math Teacher, Coach Tell us about yourself. I grew up in North Haledon and transferred to Eastern Christian High School as a Freshman. After graduating EC with a semester's worth of college credits due to Project Acceleration, I graduated from Community College in NJ Stars Program. I continued my education at…

Angst Movie Interview

Eastern Christian School recently screened the movie Angst. We sat down with Middle School and High School principals Dan Lazor and David Intlekofer to discuss the film, the reasons that we screened it, and EC's response: Eastern Christian School recently screened the movie “Angst.” What was the plan behind this screening? We heard about the…

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