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School’s done for summer, but that doesn’t mean Eastern Christian stops. Quite the contrary! A lot of good work happens on our campuses over the summer. In this recurring Blog series, we take a look at 10 reasons to get excited about next school year

Reason #9 New Students

It’s not weird to be a new student at Eastern Christian School! In fact, it’s a regular part of who we are- we “grow as we go.” Our Kindergarten capacity for two classrooms is 40 students. That same class 9 years later will be around 100 students. That means that, along the way, that grade level more than doubles on their journey to high school. So not only is it “not weird,” it’s actually expected… and exciting! When we ask our 8th grade students about what they’re most excited about for high school, the top answer is always the new friends that they will make.

Over the past two years, we’ve grown substantially. We’ve added hundreds of new students. Next fall, we project to have over 170 new students join us. EC is no longer the “best kept secret” in the area – the word is out and new families are joining us at record rates!

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