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2016-05-16Each time we sponsor a mission trip, students come back changed. Whether they’ve been serving in a nearby city or crossing oceans to connect with diverse groups of people, their eyes are opened to God’s will and power. While Christian students may already recognize how the Gospel transforms lives, there’s no substitute for seeing it happen. We want every child who comes through our doors to have the opportunity to be a part of a life-changing missions experience. This is a part of our mission as a school — to prepare students to act as transforming agents in a global society. Through our partnership with Touch the World ministries, our mission trips take on special significance.

Here is a recap of some of the incredible opportunities our students had this year:

Bringing God’s Word to Guatemala
In Guatemala, thousands of families live in the streets, relying on the city dump for food and other needs. Our students got to minister to these people — many of whom were broken physically and spiritually. They were able to build relationships with local children and adults while passing out food, praying, and helping with other practical needs. God moved in a mighty way, reaching the hearts of the Guatemalans and changing our students’ lives.

Rebuilding Hope in Uganda
After decades of war, the Ugandan people are still working diligently to rebuild their lives. Basic essentials like clean water, medical supplies, and education provide hope for a brighter future. Our students were able to come alongside a local community center, providing discipleship, as well as meeting practical needs.

Making an Impact in Mexico
In Juarez, Mexico, students came alongside missionaries to serve in a K-6 school that strives to not only provide a strong education, but to reach families with the Word of God. Students were able to see how valuable education is in impoverished areas, and gained a new appreciation for their blessings. They were also able to bless the school and its students through service projects.

Meeting Needs in New York
New York is practically right down the street, but certain areas can feel worlds apart from the lives we lead. Students partnered with ministries already making an impact in the city, encouraging and serving homeless and low-income individuals. Comfort zones were stretched and lives were forever changed as students brought the Gospel to those with little hope.

Experience Eastern Christian
Any Christian school can teach their students about the power of the Gospel, but providing opportunities for them to be the hands and feet of Jesus can truly change lives. As a result of our missions programs, students develop into service-minded leaders with a deep desire to impact the world for Christ.

If you would like to learn more about our K-12 academic programs, sign your child up for our Student Shadow Experience. There’s no better way for students to get familiar with our learning community.