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It’s that time of year again! Starting a new school year is exciting for students and parents alike! Summer months typically include less structure, but there are ways to prepare your child (and yourself!) for new schedules and activities that the fall months will bring. At Eastern Christian School, we have put together a handy checklist of items to help our families get ready for the coming school year. Whether your child is a first-timer or an EC veteran, these tips will help ensure a smooth transition.

Score Your Supplies Early

Plan a special shopping trip with your child and tackle the supply list as soon as possible. For the most part, you should stick to the supply lists provided by Eastern Christian, but it’s always fun to allow for some splurges. Many students in our middle and high school enjoy decorating the inside of their lockers. Decorating and filling a locker right before school begins is actually a middle school tradition. It also takes some stress off on the first day of school, as your student won’t have to haul everything with them. If you would like to prepare your student’s locker ahead of time, just call the school to make sure it’s a good time to visit.

Do a Trial Run

Trial runs are a great way to see how long it takes to drive to school in the morning, between schools, etc., so all of your children can be where they need to be on time. We like parents to plan on getting to school by 8:00 a.m. so their children can have some time to get ready for class.

Update Medical Records

Is it time for your child’s vaccine updates? Perhaps your child is planning on playing a sport this year and needs an updated physical exam. All health forms, sports physical information, and immunization requirements may be found by clicking here. After completion, these forms should be sent to your child’s school nurse. And remember, no sport may be tried out for or played without an updated sports physical submitted.

Get Organized at Home

Time to update your calendar and pencil-in some important dates! You can start by downloading Eastern Christian’s school calendar to see what events pertain to your family. Add these dates to your smart phone with reminders, and post your printed calendar in a frequently visited area of your home such as the kitchen or homework area. Having a homework area or distraction-free space for your student can help to develop strong study habits. Household organization reduces stress for both parents and students. It’s also great to have a designated spot to store backpacks, shoes, lunch boxes, etc. for hassle-free mornings.

Establish Your Routine

Have some summer snoozers in your house? As your child adjusts to waking up earlier, s/he will likely experience a few foggy mornings. Make sure these don’t happen in the classroom by easing into the routine slowly before school begins. Set the alarm a bit earlier each day and run through mornings as if it were a real school day. Routines are not only beneficial for parents; they make students feel more comfortable and secure as well!

Plan for Lunchtime

Students may either buy lunch at EC or bring a meal from home. At the elementary and middle schools, there are microwaves in every classroom. You can order lunch online from our high school cafeteria lunch providers. In addition, pizza is served at the elementary and middle school campuses every Thursday by our wonderful and faithful PTO members. (You will get an order form for this.) Finally, if you have an incoming senior who wishes to leave campus for lunch, you may give them permission by completing this form and returning it for dean approval.

Avoid Wardrobe Hassles

Now is the time to brush up on Eastern Christian’s dress code. All students should reflect our Christian standards of modesty, and utilize common sense when selecting school-appropriate outfits. You can review the dress code in our handbook together and discuss ideas for new outfits before shopping. Then, avoid the first-week stress by picking out five comfortable and appropriate outfits in advance.

Attend Your Open House Events

Parents and students are encouraged to attend our new student orientation events, and parents for our Back to School events. These events provide opportunities to meet teachers, find classrooms, test locker combinations, and have fellowship with other EC families, etc.

We hope to see you at our upcoming calendar events:

  •       ECHS New Student Orientation – Thursday, Aug. 27, 7:00 p.m.
  •       ECES New Family Picnic for Grades 1-4 – Saturday, Aug. 29, 11:30-1 p.m.
  •       Preschool Open House – Sept. 2 – 9:00-11:00 a.m.
  •       ECHS Back to School Night – Sept. 10 – 6:45 pm-8:30 p.m.
  •       ECES Back to School Night –Sept. 17  – 6:45 pm-8:30 p.m.
  •       ECMS Back to School Night – Sept. 24 – 7:00 p.m.

Ask Questions

The staff at Eastern Christian School is already preparing for the coming school year. In fact, we have been working all summer to do so! If you have questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call or send us an email; we are always willing to help in any way. For specific school questions, call the Elementary School at 201-445-6150, Middle School at 201-891-3663, and High School at 973-427-0900. For the Transportation and Business Office, call (973) 427-6244. It is our goal to make the transition as seamless as possible for each family.

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