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Welcome to the 3B: The Brochure Breakdown Blog series. In this recurring blog series, we consider all 9 topics in the newly released Eastern Christian School Brochure. We consider how each topic helps us tell our story.

EC_Brochure_03_600The faith integration page of the EC Brochure. Download the digital copy or request a paper copy.

More Than Just a Name

As you may know, my family and I recently moved to New Jersey to join Eastern Christian (the daily 12 hour commute from Chicago seemed like too much for our family to handle!). As EC’s Director of Marketing and Enrollment Management, I am always curious to know what people say about our school.  When word of mouth occurs, what are people saying?

Interested in hearing more of the story? Have a copy of this brochure mailed to you today!

So I asked around. I asked longtime Eastern Christian families. I asked first year Eastern Christian families. I Googled and Facebooked. I talked to people who don’t currently have their children enrolled at Eastern Christian. Much to my surprise, for the people who did not have a lot of experience with EC, I would occasionally get feedback that Eastern Christian is “Christian in Name only.” That is a strong statement. And, as it turns out, one that is completely unfounded!

For anyone who has spent even one day on any one of our campuses, it is obvious that we really are committed to a distinctly Christian education. The authentic Christian faith integration is so obvious and evident, that it permeates everything we do. It would literally be impossible for a student or a visitor to encounter EC for a day and not repeatedly encounter a Biblically based, reformed Christian worldview. It is the DNA that makes us who we are!

EC_Brochure_03_600Because of this reality, after our mission and history, we wanted the next thing on people’s minds as they read through our brochure to be about EC’s authentic faith integration. As examples, we discuss the aforementioned Christian worldview, service projects and mission trips, weekly worship, and our Bible curriculum.

This, by the way, is another reason that we committed to posting weekly #WorshipWednesday videos on our Facebook page. It gets pretty hard to argue that we aren’t a Christian school when we have weekly video evidence of EC students worshipping the Lord!

This Biblically based, Christian worldview philosophy directs our desire to live out our core values. So we made sure to incorporate our core values on this page as well.

Core Values

  • Embrace Community
  • Strive for Excellence
  • Seek Truth
  • Exhibit Compassion
  • Serve Others
  • Develop Responsibility

Up next in the 3B series: Promoting Academic Excellence

Previously in the 3B series:
The Brochure Breakdown Series Introduction
Our Mission and History