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We are very excited to announce the opening of the online EC Swag Shop Christmas line!

Click here to place your order

Just in time for your Christmas shopping, “Deck Your Halls” with Eastern Christian spirit wear featuring our brand new “EC & Eagle” Athletic logo. Hoodies, men’s and women’s cut t-shirts, official sideline wear, polos, sweat pants, beanies and more feature in sizes from Youth Medium to Adult XXXL.

The Online EC Swag Shop is now open for this limited release “Christmas Line.” The order deadline is Cyber Monday: December 1st at midnight.

Orders may be shipped free of charge to the EC Athletic Office and picked up in person, or shipped directly to your home address for a shipping and handling fee.  All spirit wear will be “in hand” prior to Eastern Christian’s Christmas Break.

We thank you for your support of our school and Athletic programs. We look forward to seeing many of our EC friends and families sporting this terrific EC spirit wear with pride! #SoarEC!

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